Our history

The history of Create Your Sky dates to 2009, when its founder, Roger Bordoy, moved to Zurich, Switzerland, to carry out his PhD in Environmental Engineering.

At the beginning of his Swiss adventure, he rented a room in a shared apartment which had few glowing stars on the ceiling, right above his bed.

Before moving out, he asked the girl that had sublet him the room where could he buy the glowing stars. Instead, she suggested him to buy glowing paper and make the stars by himself.

Her answer inspired him! It didn’t suffice now to have five or ten glowing stars in his new room. He wanted the whole Universe! He wanted to go as close as possible to making the ceiling transparent to be able to enjoy the night sky from the comfort of the bed.

He started working hard on it. He created a scaled representation of the northern sky so that it would fit in the new room. He drew a few templates on paper, cut and attached them to the ceiling, and filled the star positions with little circles made of glowing paper. The result was amazing!

He enjoyed his personal night sky for several years, but after completing his PhD he had to move apartments again, so the obvious question came up: “what will I do with my sky when I move out?” He had to find a way to recreate the sky in a much simpler and efficient way. With that, Create Your Sky was born!